Things You'll Need
Search antique stores, thrift stores and yard sales for coverlets that appeal to you. Online auctions and collectible sites are also good places to find coverlets.
Purchase the coverlets you like. Look for a variety of coverlets that feature geometric forms and special motifs.
Create coverlet cards for each coverlet. Measure the blanket and record it on the card. Include a brief description of the coverlet. Write down where you purchased the coverlet and any significant history you may know about the blanket. Display the card next to the coverlet, or store the card in a safe place.
Take your coverlet to a textile professional that has experience in wet cleaning. Do not dry clean a coverlet, especially an antique one.
Display your coverlet by spreading it out on your bed. Remove any wrinkles from the fabric with your hands. If you have more than one coverlet, display the ones you want on a quilt rack or fold them neatly and hang them over a bed rail.
Fold up the coverlet neatly and slide it inside a clean cotton pillowcase. Place the folded coverlet inside a closed chest or large drawer for storage.