Brazil is the leading country in aquamarine harvesting. Most of the raw crystal is mined from the gemstone mines in Brazil. Minas Gerais is one of the most popular locations within Brazil to mine for aquamarine, as well as other profitable gems, making this mine one of the most productive regions for gem-mining, according to All About Gems.
While not as fruitful of a mining region for aquamarine, Nigeria mines quite a few of the blue gems every year. Nigeria gem quality has been improving in recent years. Zambia and Mozambique have also been mining very fine-quality stones that could rival some found in Brazil.
Zambia aquamarine is of similar quality to that found in Nigeria. It can be mined in the Undazi, Mkushi and Itezhi Tezhi areas of Zambia.
Madagascar is littered with rich gem veins that run within its boundaries. It is quickly becomes a leader in raw gem production. However, there is a larger demand for their rubies and sapphires rather than aquamarine. One flaw with Madagascar's raw gems is they lack some of the vibrancy in color and therefore, need to be shipped to Thailand for heat treatment.
Aquamarine mining has slowed in Mozambique since 2002. However, expected in 2012 is the release of Aquamarine from their Mavuku mine in Nampula.
Afghanistan is one of the first nations to begin mining in recorded history. They began almost 6000 years ago. Most of the mines in Afghanistan are smaller operations, with potential to expand Aquamarine mining operations at a later date.
Pakistan gem mines provide a wealth of different varieties of gems, including aquamarine. Many of Pakistan's aquamarine gem stones are sold to Bangkok, along with their peridot, kunzite, ruby, emerald and tourmaline stones.