Personalized Bibles
No gift can be more instrumental in a child's spiritual development than a Bible. A high-quality Bible personalized with the child's name can get years of use and can serve as a symbol of a lifelong Christian journey.
Both young boys and girls will enjoy receiving Christian necklaces, rings or bracelets. Even as their styles change and they switch to new jewelry, a personalized gift can remind them of their childhood and your influence in it.
An embroidered pillow customized with the child's name and a favorite Bible verse will make the transition from sleep aid to decoration to keepsake over the years. Visit a local embroidery shop or any one of a number of websites that specialize in customized pillows for both boys and girls (see Resources).
First Communion Cups
If your gift recipient is nearing the age to take Communion for the first time, purchasing a special cup or chalice for the event can make the perfect gift. Later, the cup can be decorated to commemorate the day.