Things You'll Need
Select the type of key chains you are interested in collecting. This may be key chains that represent a specific niche like firefighters or dolphins. You may want to collect items from a larger category, like key chains that are also toys.
Visit online auction houses to bid on and purchase key chains for your collection.
Shop toy stores to find the latest key chains that are suitable for collecting.
Join key chain collection societies. These clubs will often publish source information to share with their members.
Download or purchase key chain catalog software. With a software system, you can house collection information and photos of your items in one place. This makes it easy to track your collection without rummaging through piles of items.
Buy small jewelry bags to attach to the key chains. Place an index card inside that lists when, where and who you bought the key chain from.
Punch a hole the top of the plastic jewelry bag with a hole puncher. Attach the bag to your key chain with a piece of string.