Things You'll Need
Spread out a few towels over your workspace and set a buckwheat- or rice-filled beanbag in the center. Press your fingers into the center of the beanbag to make a small depression.
Turn your snow globe over and hold it in the palm of one hand. Gently pry the plug out of the bottom of your globe. Set the globe upside-down in the center of your beanbag, adjusting it so it sits firmly and steadily.
Allow the snow or glitter to settle into the top of the snow globe. Stick the tip of a turkey baster through the globe’s opening and suck up a little water. Squirt the water out into a cup, sink or trash can. Continue, sucking carefully when the water recedes to just over the glitter or snow; suck up water, not the snow.
Fill a cup with distilled water and a second about halfway full of rubbing alcohol. Dip the tip of an eyedropper into the rubbing alcohol and drip it into the globe until the alcohol covers the pile of glitter or snow. Plug up the globe and shake it gently to swirl the alcohol around.
Gently suck the alcohol out of the globe with your turkey baster. Clean your baster with a little rubbing alcohol and use it to fill your globe with distilled water. Plug the globe firmly and store in bright, indirect light.