Rare Holofoil
Rare holofoil cards are cards with a special shimmering multicolored background behind the main picture of each of the images. A special addition, rare holofoil card are not found in every booster of the Pokemon Gym Heroes set. As of June, 2010, these cards retail for about $20 apiece when bought separately from a booster pack.
Blaine&'s Moltres
Brock&'s Rhydon
Erika&'s Clefable
Erika&'s Dragonair
Erika&'s Vileplume
Lt. Surge
Lt. Surge&'s Electabuzz (Level 28)
Lt. Surge&'s Fearow
Lt. Surge&'s Magneton
Misty&'s Seadra
Misty&'s Tentacruel
Rocket&'s Hitmonchan
Rocket&'s Moltres
Rocket&'s Scyther
The Rocket&'s Trap
Sabrina&'s Gengar
Only one to two rare cards can be found in each booster pack for the Pokemon Gym Heroes set. Some of the rare cards are copies of the rare holofoils without the special shimmering background. These cards typically deal the most damage and represent the most evolved Pokemon. As of June, 2010, they retail as single cards from between $4 to $9.
Blaine&'s Quiz # 1
Brock&'s Golem
Brock&'s Onix (Level 30)
Brock&'s Rhyhorn (Level 25)
Brock&'s Sandslash
Brock&'s Zubat (Level 5)
Erika&'s Clefairy
Erika&'s Victreebel
Lt. Surge
Lt. Surge&'s Electabuzz (Level 22)
Lt. Surge&'s Raichu
Misty&'s Cloyster
Misty&'s Goldeen (Level 8)
Misty&'s Poliwrath
Misty&'s Tentacool (Level 12)
No Removal Gym (Stadium)
The Rocket&'s Gym (Stadium)
Rocket&'s Snorllax
Sabrina&'s Venomoth
Two to four cards of the uncommon type can be found in each Pokemon Gym Heroes booster. These cards are typically powerful Trainer cards or mid-level evolutions of Pokemon with three stages. Uncommon cards from this set retail between $1.50 and $6 for single cards as of June, 2010.
Blaine&'s Growlithe (Level 17)
Blaine&'s Kangaskhan
Blaine&'s Last Resort
Blaine&'s Magmar
Brock&'s Geodude (Level 17)
Brock&'s Golbat
Brock&'s Graveler
Brock&'s Lickitung
Brock&'s Training Method
Celadon City Gym (Stadium)
Cerulean City Gym (Stadium)
Erika&'s Dratini
Erika&'s Exeggcute (Level 15)
Erika&'s Exeggutor
Erika&'s Gloom (Level 24)
Erika&'s Gloom (Level 28)
Erika&'s Maids
Erika&'s Oddish (Level 12)
Erika&'s Perfume
Erika&'s Weepinbell (Level 26)
Erika&'s Weepinbell (Level 30)
Good Manners
Lt. Surge&'s Magnemite (Level 10)
Lt. Surge&'s Raticate
Lt. Surge&'s Spearow (Level 8)
Lt. Surge&'s Treaty
Minion of Team Rocket
Misty&'s Poliwhirl
Misty&'s Psyduck
Misty&'s Seaking
Misty&'s Starmie
Misty&'s Tentacool (Level 16)
Misty&'s Wrath
Pewter City Gym (Stadium)
Sabrina&'s ESP
Sabrina&'s Haunter
Sabrina&'s Jynx
Sabrina&'s Slowbro
Secret Mission
Tickling Machine
Vermilion City Gym (Stadium)
Common cards fill out the majority of the booster packs for the Pokemon Gym Heroes set with each pack containing at least eight common cards. These cards are the first stage evolutions of Pokemon, common Trainers, and the ubiquitous energy cards that are needed for all Pokemon in game play. As of June, 2010, common cards usually retail for less than $1 when sold individually.
Blaine&'s Charmander
Blaine&'s Gamble
Blaine&'s Growlithe (Level 15)
Blaine&'s Ponyta
Blaine&'s Tauros
Baline&'s Vulpix
Brock&'s Geodude (Level 13)
Brock&'s Mankey (Level 10)
Brock&'s Mankey (Level 12)
Brock&'s Onix (Level 41)
Brock&'s Rhyhorn (Level 29)
Brock&'s Sandshrew (Level 13)
Brock&'s Sandshrew (Level 20)
Brock&'s Vulpix
Brock&'s Zubat (Level 11)
Energy Flow
Erika&'s Bellsprout (Level 12)
Erika&'s Bellsprout (Level 15)
Erika&'s Exeggcute (Level 12)
Erika&'s Oddish (Level 15)
Erika&'s Tangela
Fighting Energy
Fire Energy
Grass Energy
Lightning Energy
Lt. Surge&'s Magnemite (Level 12)
Lt. Surge&'s Pikachu
Lt. Surge&'s Rattata
Lt. Surge&'s Spearow (Level 17)
Lt. Surge&'s Voltorb
Misty&'s Duel
Misty&'s Goldeen (Level 10)
Misty&'s Horsea
Misty&'s Poliwag
Misty&'s Seel
Misty&'s Shellder
Misty&'s Staryu
Narrow Gym (Stadium)
Psychic Energy
Sabrina&'s Abra
Sabrina&'s Drowzee
Sabrina&'s Gaze
Sabrina&'s Ghastly
Sabrina&'s Mr. Mime
Sabrina&'s Slowpoke
Sabrina&'s Venonat
Trash Exchange
Water Energy