Laws about owning a switchblade vary from state to state. It is best first to check if it is even legal to own a switchblade in your state. Owning a switchblade is currently legal in twenty-nine states. A simple method of checking the legality in your state is to look up switchblades for sale from a reputable knife dealer and see if they will sell a switchblade to your state. If not, it is likely illegal to own one.
Possession and Carry Laws
Even if your state will allow you to own a switchblade, it may not be legal for you to carry that switchblade in public. Only sixteen states currently allow citizens to carry switchblades, and only five of those will allow you to carry a switchblade without some form of restriction on the blade or a license from the state. Contact the department of your state responsible for issuing firearms licenses to determine what, if any, licenses are necessary.
Common Differences Between State Laws
Each state's laws will have different nuances, depending on the laws that have been passed. For example, in West Virginia, it is legal to own and carry a switchblade without any sort of blade length restriction or license, as long as it is visible, while in neighboring Ohio, you can own and carry a switchblade concealed on your person absolutely legally. Each state has different rules and you should be fully aware of them before bringing your switchblade out in public.