Things You'll Need
Open an eBay account if you do not already have one. Many cap gun collectors use the eBay platform to buy and sell their items. To establish an account, go to, click the "Register" button and enter the requested information.
Log on to your eBay account and type search terms to describe the cap gun you are trying to value. Be sure to enter the maker of the gun and the model to get an accurate picture. Click the "completed listings" check box to limit the search to items that have already sold.
Review the final selling prices of the cap guns listed. Pull up each item to see a picture of the cap gun and a description of its condition. Keep in mind that the condition of a cap gun greatly influences its value.
Pick up a recent copy of an antiques value guide. These guidebooks are available at antique shops, libraries and many bookstores. Look up several of your cap guns in the guide to get an idea of their value.
Check your local newspaper for a listing of antique toy shows and auctions in your area. Attend as many of those events as possible. The auctions in particular can give you a good picture of what those old cap guns are worth in the current market.