Search for sellers of gold and silver on the Internet and in local telephone directories. Use online auction websites to your advantage to get the best prices on gold and silver. Visit local pawn shops to find gold and silver for low prices. Call up any numbers in the telephone directory that sell gold and silver. Exhaust all resources before purchasing gold and silver in order to get it 35% below the market.
Visit jewelry shops that specialize in buying gold and silver. Ask questions on how the process of buying gold and silver to make a profit works. Get advice on ways to improve future purchases of gold and silver. Look at the shop's selections and compare prices on the gold and silver merchandise. Find out ways that the jewelry shop purchases gold and silver at 35% below the market.
Purchase gold and silver from reputable buyers that have the best prices. Evaluate the purchases that are completed to guarantee that the gold and silver is 35% below the market. Continue the search for better deals on gold and silver for future procurement.