Things You'll Need
Dry out any damp books. Put the book in an airy place, fanning out any pages while placing the book on its bottom edge.
Bake a cup of calcium chloride in a 250 degree Fahrenheit oven for one hour. Place the book and the heated calcium chloride in a sealed container together, but not touching, for two to three days.
Remove loose, dry mold with a soft clean cloth. A handheld vacuum may work with less delicate books to completely remove any loose mold.
Rub Absorene, an eraser-like cleaner, carefully over the cover, spine, endpages and glossy pages inside the book. Use a light hand and brush away any remaining shreds.
Remove musty book smells by spraying household cleaner from behind a fan pointing at the open book sitting on its end. This works for mild cases.
Place the book in a sealed pail with baking soda or cedar chips without touching for a week or so until the odor is gone. This works with heavy odors.