Write the author's name. Write the last name followed by a comma, and then the first name followed by a period.
Follow the first name by the year of the publication, written with four digits and inside of parenthesis, with no period.
Write the full title of the publication after the parenthesis. The title can be either underlined or in italics and is followed by a period.
Write the city of the publisher, followed by a colon and the name of the publisher and a period.
List the numbers of the pages used in the publication for the quotations that you used. Separate each page number with a comma, and place a period at the end. For successive pages used, use a dash. For example, for quotations from pages 55, 56, 57, 58 and then 62, write: 55-58, 62.
Leave one blank line between the next source and follow the same format.