Identify and inventory the baskets you want to sell as exactly as possible. If you can find the original purchase receipt, check your purchase date and the name of the basket. If the basket has a brass tag, the name and sometimes a year will be listed on it. Measure the basket, note whether there's swinging or stationary handles, check the signature on the bottom, and gather all accessories that came with the basket such as a lid, liner and plastic protector insert. Search the Internet for pictures of your basket to identify its name and date if you do not know what it is.
Look up the basket by name and year in a current year print or Internet guide to collectible pricing that specializes in Longaberger Baskets.
Check Internet auction sites and online classified ads for your specific Longaberger basket model and year to see what other people are paying for similar baskets online and in your area. Because a basket is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it at that time, checking completed auctions and active listings gives you a to-the-moment idea of what you may actually be able to get for the basket.