Things You'll Need
The metal should be rinsed in several individual baths of denatured ethanol (ethyl alcohol) or hot de-ionized water. If you use water, use litmus strips to check the pH of each separate water bath following each rinse. Water tarnishes copper, so use a wet paste made of denatured ethanol and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) to remove the tarnish from copper.
Polish the metal to the extent that you desire.
Soak the metal in a solution made from ethanol or water, and benzotriazole (BTA) in a concentration ranging from 1 to 3 percent, after all cleaning and stabilization of the metal has been completed and the metal has been polished. The Conservation Research Laboratory at Texas A&M University recommends a 3 percent BTA solution.
Rinse the metal in acetone to remove the BTA and allow the acetone to evaporate. Coat all surfaces of the object with a clear acrylic lacquer spray.