Visit antique shops for interesting bowls in which to float candles. Antique shops and curiosity shops may have product turnover, so it is fine to visit the same shop periodically.
Visit pawn shops for nice quality crystal bowls for floating candles.
Get to know the owner of the shop. Tell them what you are looking for. Some antique and pawn shops are so full of things to sort through that it can be overwhelming if you are new to the store. The owner, however, will know just where everything is.
You may even be able to leave your phone number so the owner can call you if/when something you might want comes in.
Look for bowls that are shallow. Floating candles are small, and a shallow bowl will show them off. A taller bowl will detract and make them seem smaller.
Look for clear glass bowls to float candles in; colored glass may detract from the candles.
Choose whether you prefer cut crystal or smooth glass. Both will be lovely, but they will not work well together in the same display.
Consider shallow glass bowls on stems, such as old fashioned champagne glasses (not fluted champagne glasses). If displaying floating candles on a low table, the stem of the glass may make the floating candle more prominent.