The benefit of having either an automatic or a hand wound watch is that you don̵7;t really have to worry about replacing batteries, as is the case with quartz watches. Both watches are low maintenance.
How Automatic Watches Work
Automatic watches benefit from having a mechanical part that moves gently with the movements of your body. As it moves, it also winds a spring inside the watch, eliminating the need to wind it yourself.
How Hand Wind Watches Work
Hand wind watches work with a spring that is wound when the crown of the watch is rotated. Usually, the crown has to be wound once a day, although some watch manufacturers make watches that can go longer without being wound.
Manually Winding a Watch
If you do not feel like having to manually wind your watch once in a while, you might find hand wind watches to be convenient. Automatic watches do not need any manual winding, but they also need to be worn for certain periods of time if you would like them to continue working.
Hand wind watches are usually very aesthetic and traditional. If you are into antique-style watches, your best choice might be to get a hand wind watch if you don̵7;t mind having to wind it periodically.