Assemble a list of possible appraisers by looking in the phone book or online Yellow Pages. You'll have an easier time if you narrow your search to someone who specializes in particular items (coins, antiques, comic books).
Contact an appraisal organization for certified appraisers in your area. The three prominent organizations are the International Society of Appraisers (ISA), the American Society of Appraisers (ASA), and the Appraisers Association of America (AAA).
Contact the appraisers on your list and question them about their qualifications. If they own a shop, ask about the history of their business and request a sample appraisal report. A good appraisal report contains a detailed analysis of an item with photographs and information about age and condition. An appraisal report should also contain the methods used to research an item.
Ask about the appraisal fee. Fees should be charged by item or hour, not based on a percentage of the price.