Things You'll Need
Find the two bellows inside the cuckoo clock. In most clocks, the bellows are located on opposite sides of the case. The lift wires are the pair of wires that are attached to each of the bellows.
Use the screwdriver to turn the small circular pin located on the bellows tops at the base of the lift wires. Turn the pin just enough so that the wire can be slipped out through the hole.
Detach the tops of the lift wires from the cuckoo clock itself. Set the wires aside in exactly the same positions as they were found inside the clock. The wires must not be mixed up or turned around.
Purchase new lift wires from a cuckoo clock parts supplier, such as Clockworks or the Frankenmuth Clock Company (see Resources). Lift wires vary in size with the size of the bellows, and typically range from 2 1/2 to 7 inches in length.
Attach the new lift wires in exactly the same positions as the old. Thread the base of the lift wires through the hole in the bellows top. Tighten the pin with the screwdriver, and hook the top of the wire back into place on the cuckoo clock.