Search online. You can find dozens of flasks at auction sites such as eBay; you can also find individual listings at local auction houses this way. On eBay, you can purchase a Masonic flask from the 1970s for around $20, or spend $75 for a stainless steel flask bearing the seal of the President of the United States. Try to choose one type of flask that you want to collect; this makes your collection truly special and valuable rather than being simply a bunch of old glasses.
Search locally. Attend local auctions, or visit antique shops. Check out flasks from liquor distributors in the 1800s or flasks bearing descriptive artwork about famous historical people and events.
Look for unique colors. Flasks made from clear or amber glass are easier to find, while it can be difficult to find some made from other colors, such as blue or green. A rare color enhances the value of the flask and makes it the jewel of any collection.
Find unique shapes. Square or rounded flasks are common; less easy to find are the ones that are shaped like people, animals or other objects. Sometimes, the shape of a glass will be somewhat crude -- full of bumps or irregularities. These types of flasks can actually be more valuable than their smooth and sleek counterparts because they show the human error that went into making them. A flask that human hands forged is more valuable than one that was mass-produced by machines.
Seek interesting inscriptions. Some flasks might have depictions of historical events, such as battles. Others might commemorate an election. Still others might have had more utilitarian uses, such as holding whiskey or medicine. The inscription or decoration on a flask can help you identify its place in history.