Before you begin your search for the Finding Nemo snow globe of your choice, it would be wise to visit the web page for the Disney store. Even though past versions of the Finding Nemo snow globes have been retired, the Disney store may have decided to create a new Finding Nemo snow globe product or may provide access to Nemo snow globes created by other manufacturers.
As of 2009, Finding Nemo snow globes were still widely available at a variety of Internet retail and auction sites. By conducting a basic Internet search for Nemo snow globes you will find many opportunities to purchase this product.
Because of the extensive availability of this product it should be possible to purchase a snow globe at a fair price with just a little research. Be sure to carefully compare the descriptions of the snow globes with special attention to the measurements of the globe. In some cases a much less expensive snow globe may in fact be a "mini" snow globe and be significantly smaller in size.