Determine the focus of your interest. This may be as wide as collecting all Matchbox brand cars, or as narrow as owning a variety of die-cast 1969 Mustang Boss replicas.
Visit a local toy or hobby store to inspect the types of toys that you wish to own. Make note of the prices and any flaws that are visible of items in display pieces. Keep an eye out for sales or clearance items that will fit nicely into your collection.
Purchase a carrying case for your small cars. Matchbox and other companies make felt-lined cases that will protect your collection from drops and damage. If the cars come with boxes or manuals, keep these in your collection as well.
Buy a copy of a notable pricing guide and collector's information book. One of the most popular for toy car and truck collectors is "O'Briens Collecting Cars and Trucks" which covers all major lines and models of toy cars.
Check online sources such as eBay and Craigslist as well as local stores when looking for a deal. Remember what condition the off-the-shelf version of the toys were in at the stores when asking for a description of the car. Sometimes online vendors will tell you that a crack or paint damage is a "design flaw" which may not be the case.