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How to Repair English Made Mantel Clocks

English mantel clocks are small clocks designed to sit on the top of a fireplace mantel, which is the ornamental shelf above the actual fireplace. Traditional mantel clocks are pendulum clocks. The swinging of the pendulum regulates the time. With each tick, it moves the gears of the clock slightly forward. A pendulum that moves either too quickly or too slowly will not keep proper time. You can repair a mantel clock by adjusting the length of the pendulum.

Things You'll Need

  • English mantel clock
  • Screwdriver
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    • 1

      Locate the pendulum bob. The pendulum bob is a small weight at the bottom of the pendulum shaft. The pendulums of English mantel cocks are normally found on the back of the clock.

    • 2

      Use the screwdriver to loosen the nut at the base of the pendulum bob. The bob should now move freely.

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      Move the bob upward to shorten the apparent length of the pendulum. Move the bob downward to lengthen the pendulum. The longer the pendulum, the slower the clock will run.

    • 4

      Use the screwdriver to tighten the nut at the base of the pendulum bob after you've placed the bob in its new position. Reset the English mantel clock by moving the hands to the correct time.

    • 5

      Tilt the clock to one side to restart the pendulum. Examine the clock 24 hours later and record the time. If the clock is slow, raise the pendulum. If the clock is fast, lower the pendulum.

    • 6

      Check the clock's time once a day for seven days. Adjust the pendulum as necessary. Continue daily adjustments of the pendulum until the clock is accurate to within one minute each day.

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