Hit the Library
Try the library for locating plans to make a beer bottle display case---it's free, the information needed can be copied and kept and it allows time (books are renewable) to read through and decide whether the book is worth purchasing for this or future projects. Books like "How to Build Collectors' Display Cases," by Donald Brann, or "Home Book of Picture Framing," by Kenn Oberrecht, walk potential builders through the creation of a collector's display frame and display case using photographs and a step-by-step process. Search library subject catalogs using "display frame project," "bottle display" or "woodworking projects" for better results.
Ask Other Collectors
When other collectors are displaying beer bottles in a display case, ask where theirs was made. It is likely the response will be that it was purchased from a display case maker or was custom made by the owner or a furniture maker. If the design is of interest, take a few quick notes and snap a picture or two and flesh out a plan on paper at a later time. Those who have made their own displays may be willing to forward a plan or at least a materials and wood-cut list. Antique bottle shows may reveal a display case or two that is worth inquiring about. The Federation of Antique Bottle Collectors lists shows on their website.
Adapt A Plan
Collectors who want to create their own display cases might be interested in woodworking sites that offer forums for conversation and sharing ideas. Lumberjocks.com, WoodNet.net and WoodWorking.com are all websites that offer woodworking forums. Get advice on how to adapt a display case originally created for cans or shot glasses. The Precision-Images website offers a lighted bottle display plan meant for liquor bottles but easily adapted for beer bottle items. Use the plan to highlight beer bottle collectibles worth a lighted display.
Check Collectors Magazines
There are a number of collectors and beer enthusiasts magazines available, like "Beers of the World," and "American Breweriana Journal," that may provide links to plans for bottle displays. The advertisements in the back and throughout the magazine may lead to display case building plans and information. Local collectors' stores may also know where to locate a set of plans or have a bulletin board where the ability to purchase a variety of plans is announced. Check vintage and antique stores for design ideas if creating a personal set of plans.