Know The Value
Make sure the buttons have been identified and their value has been investigated using a recent pricing guide. Time periods and countries of origin are usually written about in separate books. A general identification book titled "Uniform Buttons of the United States 1776-1865" written by Warren K. Tice is a good place to begin with U.S. military buttons. "Record of American Uniform and Historical Buttons" by Alphaeus H. Albert is another. Having the buttons appraised is another option. Check with local appraisers to find out what certified appraisers charge for their services.
Memorabilia Dealers
Memorabilia dealers usually specialize in an era, event or type of item. There are those that specialize in military objects. From a phone book or an online directory source, create a list of local memorabilia, vintage and antique dealers that might have some military connection. Visit each one to see what is sold and ask about placing items on consignment. Don't rule out pawn shops or antique gun dealers because they often have a portion of customers that collect period items or perform military battle re-enactments and dress in period costume.
Auction Houses
Depending on the number and value of old military buttons available for sale, an auction house might be interested in them. First assess their worth by obtaining a third party appraisal or by comparing them to similar items that have sold before. Some auction companies store their sold data in databases that are assessable online. Companies such as Kovel's charge an online subscription to keep track of collectible and antique prices as they are sold by auction houses. Pricing guides are available in many bookstores.
Online Selling
To reach a larger audience, try online auction selling. Audiences for collectibles include the European and Asian markets. Ebay is not the only online auction house that sells old military buttons. Bidz and uBid are active online auction places. Search each auction site for previous selling prices for military buttons. A free registration might be required to view prices.