Find out the current value per ounce of gold and silver. Check out the spot prices for an ounce of gold and silver at an on-line site. These will give you the current price per ounce. It is important to look at these places before you buy. This is the only way to be sure of making a good deal.
Watch for gold and silver items at yard sales. At these treasure troves look for "junk jewelry." When looking at the jewelry look closely for markings on the inside. If you see a number followed by K ( example 10K )then it is gold. The lower the number, the less gold it contains. You can often buy a ring for a dollar or less. Silver dish-ware and mini-boxes are common find at yard sales. They usually are silver plated so bid accordingly. If you find one with the word sterling on the bottom then snap it up.
Look in thrift stores for cheap gold and silver jewelry. Here you should look in the children's costume jewelry section. Often the bracelets are made from silver. There are other bargains but your profit will probably be small.
Check out pawn shops if the spot gold price jumps overnight. They often do not keep up with the current spot gold price. This is about the only time to try these places. You can sometimes find gold and silver coins here. There is real potential here if you beat the market.
While shopping, have someone at home checking out the prices of your items on-line before you buy. Sites like Ebay are perfect for this. This is also the best venue to sell the silver items you find. Look up similar items on the web site and check the completed selling price. This will give you an idea of what to offer.