Buy a crystal clear hard plastic large bill currency holder to use for storage. This is one of the best methods to store your large paper bills and to display them. Buy an archival quality hard plastic currency holder. For large collectible notes and bills, get the dimension 4 1/8 by 8 ¼. This type of holder also protects the currency from harmful lights.
Open the large plastic currency holder. Learn how to close the two pieces of the bill holder before storing the paper money. This will prevent damaging the bill from trial and errors when closing and opening the holder.
Place the old large bill currency inside the hard plastic holder. Avoid touching the bill too much or folding it. It's advised to use plain white gloves to handle the large currency instead of using the bare fingers. Close the bill holder carefully.
Select a dry place to keep the large old currency in the holder for storage and for some display occasions. Always avoid humid places for storing or displaying the old large currency.