TYPE YOUR INFORMATION. Using word pad or Microsoft Word write down all your information. For example, your name, address, and phone number are key to filling out anything. Trust me if you don't like to type everything over and over again, this will become your very best friend!
NEXT GO TO PAGE. At the bottom of my tips are many sites that I enjoy going to. Feel free to open one in a new tab and follow along with my instructions.
CLICK. To either the left or right you will see a column with a bunch of different categories. Scroll down until you see something that interests you. For example, I clicked on Beauty.
FIND. Find an ad that interests you. For example, I clicked on FREE Mineral Makeup Samples. It automatically opens a new tab.
FILL IT OUT! This is where your word pad or Microsoft Word comes in handy! If you don't like to type simply copy and paste your information into the area where it is asked for. You will find later on that some sites they save your information so you can double click and it will appear. However, I won't keep your breath held long though, cause it rarely does.
GO BACK! After you have completed the information required, click submit. It will show a confirmation page and then you can close the tab out. Now g back to the site and keep on clicking! Most of the sites have a lot and I do mean a lot of free samples! So keep on clicking!
GET EXCITED! Yes, you better, because soon you will have so many free samples you wont know what to do with them! Thanks for reading! Enjoy!