Understand that most Royal Ruby glass is not signed. Marked items contain an imprint of an anchor with a letter "H" in the middle. The glass usually has a sticker labeling the Royal Ruby color.
Look for early patterns, like the R-1700 line. This round-shaped glass featured a footed creamer and sugar bowl.
Search for Royal Ruby glass from the R-4000 line of the 1950s. Similar in shape to Turquoise Blue dinnerware, this series featured flat plates with the edges bent upward, as well as a flat sugar bowl and creamer.
Find Royal Ruby glass in a variety of Anchor Hocking patterns including Queen Mary, Oyster and Pearl, Coronation, Classic, Old Café, Manhattan and Bubble.
Pick up any novelty items made from Royal Ruby glass. These items were sometimes combined with crystal and include cigarette boxes, powder boxes and apothecary jars.
Keep an eye out for red beer bottles marked with the characteristic anchor and "H" or the words "Royal Ruby." For a brief time, Anchor Hocking produced the Royal Ruby bottles for Schlitz Brewery.