Inform all your friends and family members that you would like to begin or expand your Giga Pet collection. Make sure to ask them to keep the receipts for their gift purchase so that you can exchange any duplicate Giga Pets you might receive.
Keep an eye out in your daily shopping since Giga Pets are not only available in toy stores but also can be found in supermarkets, gas stations and stationery stores. Many Giga Pets are limited editions, so look for rare pets and snatch them up while they are still available.
Search online for a wide selection of Giga Pet-buying opportunities (see Resources below). From online auctions to Internet toy stores, you can quickly and easily add to your Giga Pet collection. If you are looking to collect rare or hard-to-find Giga Pets, online shopping is your best bet.
Check the Virtual Pets website regularly to keep up-to-date on the most recent releases and rereleases of your favorite or desired Giga Pets (see Resources).
Trade toys, Giga Pets or other virtual pets with your friends to help augment your collection. While a friend may have grown tired of caring for her Giga Pet, you are looking for any addition possible to your Giga Pet collection.