Educate yourself and learn what paper doll collecting is all about. Go to a large library and review periodicals, books and collector magazines for ideas and information. Learn the famous names collectors look for, such as Merril, Lowe and Samual Gabriel and Sons.
Determine if your collection will include a specific genre. Some ideas include celebrities such as Eva Gardner, royalty like Princess Diana, fashion icons like Barbie, or 50s, 60s and 70s dolls.
Decide on a budget for yourself if necessary. Sometimes collecting can become more than a hobby and turn into an obsession. Set limits to spending and be reasonable. Then search out a great deal.
Enjoy looking at the various paper dolls while choosing which form you'll be purchasing them in. Some collectors will buy old paper dolls in book or magazine form. Others will purchase the sticker and magnetic types.
Think about whether you'll buy cut or uncut versions. Some collectors refuse to buy a cut paper doll and will only purchase it if the doll is in mint condition and still in the magazine. Read up on what makes a doll valuable if resale is an option to come.
Make your clothing. Starting a paper doll collection is fun but it can be even more personal. If your choice in clothing is different from the traditional style worn in the era you're collecting, make your own clothing from crepe paper, embroidery thread and paper patterns.
Buy from special artists. Specific artists make one-of-a-kind paper dolls. Rachel Taft Dixon and Clara Emst Barnes are two famous names to look for. They both make spectacular designs including paper dolls from the classic story of Little Women.