Check out online importers. A good number of retailers get their wares from Oriental producers. Retailers like Collectibles Today or World Market may have on hand items contracted for import from the East: always take a look at the details on these items for sale in warehouse sites to find out where the actual origin of the item is.
Try "clicks and mortar" sites like Ten Thousand Villages. As a leader in fair trade craft imports, 10,000 Villages operates a website as well as numerous store locations throughout the US. The "Villages" company often contracts with oriental merchants to bring in fairly traded, authentic figurines and other products for home decoration.
Find private collectors in your area. Oriental objects are often traded personally by aficionados of far eastern craftsmanship. Try getting in touch with other enthusiasts for market information and possible trading opportunities.
Pay a visit to local oriental shops including grocers and "Chinatown" shops. Oriental merchants often ship all kinds of goods themselves, from China or another Oriental origin. Browse the aisles of your local Asian-run shop to see what is available.
Go to the source. If you're ambitious and confident about your collecting, try a contract with travelers to the Orient and arrange for certain items to be brought back to you. Due to heavy prices on mass shipping, a personal arrangement is probably the way to go. Or, contact an oriental community or merchant and see if they can throw something in for you "on the side" of a load of cargo, for a price.