Purchase a cabinet, shadow box or shelf to display your spoons in or on. You can find a display for your spoon collection at most hobby stores or discount stores. You can buy one finished or unfinished and make it your own. For a more vintage look, try flea markets and thrift shops. Make sure you purchase a big enough display area for the amount of spoons you have in your collection.
Choose groups to organize spoons into. You can organize them by color, by size, by time period or by location. Be creative with your collection.
Sort your spoon collection into categories. If a spoon can fit into more than one category, use that spoon as a gateway into the next group.
Assemble or hang up your display case. Choose a highly visible area, Make sure the display case is securely placed and cannot be easily knocked over.
Place your spoons into their display. Set it up to your liking.
Buy special lighting to display your spoon collection. Track lighting is ideal, but you can opt for a simple floor lamp.