Decide if you will want a general collection of all types of designs or a theme. You many want to collect a theme in addition to generic designs. Popular themes include "Hard Rock Café" and "Planet Hollywood."
Determine if your collection is for fun or profit. If it is for profit, you will want to take steps to protect your investment. Gather as much information as possible about prices. Invest in a good pricing guide book.
Look for glasses at garage sales, thrift stores, estate sales, auctions, and other similar places. Souvenir shot glasses are available at gift shops in airports, truck stops, train stations, hospitals, restaurants, museums, zoos and other venues. There are many online resources to buy different styles of glasses.
If you find a glass that is a duplicate of one your already have, get it anyway. You may be able to trade it for another glass you're interested in.
Join a collectors club or a message board. This is a great resource for information and the chance to find other collectors. Enlist family and friends in your search. Let them be your eyes to help grow your collection.
Display your collection. You can build your own, buy one or use something you already own. Spice racks work well for small collections.
Consider the location where you plan to put your display. Keep it out of high traffic areas, and take precautions if children or pets will be in the area. A glass door display case will help to reduce the need for frequent dusting.