Download and install the audio editing software program of your choice. This tutorial will focus on Audacity, although most audio programs will have the same basic functions and commands (see Resources for free downloads).
Locate the sound file of the 78 you previously recorded at 45 rpm speed on your computer's hard drive or CD drive. Load the sound file into the Audacity editor window by clicking "Open File."
Select "Equalization" from the "Effect" menu and apply the inverse of the RIAA playback curve.
Select the entire track by clicking in the "Track Control Panel." Click "Effect," then "Change Speed."
Choose the speed at which the record was played (in this case, 45 rpm) in the "From" drop-down box.
Select the conversion speed in the "To" drop-down box. Check the record label to ascertain the correct speed; this was usually printed on one or both sides of the disc.
Click "Convert." Listen to the song to ensure that the speed is correct. If not, repeat steps 4 through 6, manually adjusting the output speed by degrees until the playback speed sounds correct.