Search for other listings of the same record and compare the prices. Albums that are being auctioned may realize a lower price than the record is really worth. Compare listings that were not auctioned. Check the final price of ones that were recently sold.
Advertise your 33 1/3 records in publications and in online classified ad sites. Provide a thorough description. The description should include the artist's name, the name of the album, the recording company and any identification numbers that are shown on the album cover. A record without an album cover may still have some value and can usually be identified by the numbers etched in the edges of the center hole of the record.
Create package deals. For example, include a popular artist's recording along with two or three that were not so popular. Consumers may purchase the deal in order to get the one they want.
Research the artist or group in antiques publications such as Kovel's. Most public libraries carry a supply of reference books on antiques and other items for research along with books that can be taken out by patrons.