Things You'll Need
Check older records that have not been played for some time for signs of mold or mildew. Clean new vinyl records that are being added to the collection.
Remove any dust or dirt particles first before proceeding with any further cleaning. This avoids driving the dirt particles further into the grooves of the vinyl record.
Hold the vinyl record by the edge and on a slight angle. Aim the canned air aerosol can toward the vinyl record. With short blasts of canned air, spray the entire record. Turn the record over and repeat the process.
Use a mild soap and water solution with a clean, soft rag or a premoistened hand towel to wipe off any vinyl records that require a light cleaning. Dry with a chamois or soft cloth.
Clean vinyl records that have grease or grime on them with an alcohol solution. Dilute three parts water to one part rubbing alcohol. Wipe the vinyl record dry with a chamois and soft cloth.