Things You'll Need
Select the vinyl records you wish to display. Take into consideration your display area as you pick your albums. For best results, chose a flat, open wall in a room where you want your wall art to be a focal point.
Lay out your albums on a large flat surface, arranging the records in the order you will display them. For a square, arrange your records in rows and columns of three or four. For a rectangular wall shape, you may opt to choose different row or column lengths.
Measure the length and depth of your record wall arrangement. Record the measurements and use this to gauge the number of plastic trim pieces you will need for this project.
Select your tile trim. Tile trim comes in a variety of colors and types. While metal trim is available, plastic trim comes with colors that you can select to match your wall color. Using your measurements, choose the tile trim and purchase enough pieces (likely ten or more) to mount your albums. Ensure the tile trim features holes for your wall screws.
Mark the upper left corner or first horizontal row on the wall where you will place your record mosaic. Using a piece of tile trim as your guide, mark the spots where you will place your wall anchors with a pencil. Create a small hole on the marked spots using an awl and place your wall anchor and screw using a screwdriver. Mount the first tile trim, top side first and mark where the bottom of the album ends.
Take another piece of trim to support the bottom of the album and mark the spots where you will insert the wall anchor and screws. After placing the anchor and screws, repeat the process for the next album on the horizontal row. Repeat until you have completed the first horizontal record row.
Create your second horizontal row of records. Repeat rows until you have completed your square or rectangular record mosaic.