Research the type of music that was recorded on 78 rpm records as it is quite different from today's sounds. You will not be finding any heavy metal or rap. Instead, look for recordings that would include jazz, blues, old time country, gospel, big band and orchestra sounds, marching band music, children's songs and holiday music. Find an opportunity to listen to some of the music played on a 78 rpm record as it will sound less clear and a little scratchy compared to the music clarity of today.
Join a vintage music club or group. These groups will provide much insight into the types of music that was recorded on 78 rpms and suggestions of where to look for the various types of music. In addition, many of these groups and clubs will have information on music swap meets or sale days. Many of the members will own phonographs and related equipment to actually play the 78 rpm records and how to care for your vintage record collection.
Think about the age of the person that would have owned vintage 78 rpm records. It might be your grandmother or a favorite uncle. Ask them if they have any 78 rpms that they would sell to you or maybe even give you as a keepsake. They could just be sitting there collecting dust and taking up space in their attic.
Browse through antique shops and antique malls. Most of these will have sections that sell vintage records such as the 78 rpms. If they do have some, ask if they know a dealer or collector in your area that you can contact.
Sort your collection of 78 rpm records into categories. You might want to concentrate one collecting on type of music exclusively such as jazz and see how many different artists you can find to add to your collection. Another way to specialize your collection is to research all the various record labels that produced 78 rpm records and try to collect one of every recording made under a certain record label. These type of specialties will make your collection more valuable.