Observe how light passes through the gemstone. A stone that emits light throughout its mass indicates the real deal, while a stone whose light does not penetrate completely could be glass.
Examine the coloring of your stone. Transparent gemstones have colors that emanate directly from the core. Glass and rock generate colors only from the surface.
Place your finger against the edge of your stone. Raw gemstones have rough edges that can cut ceramic or glass. Regular stones have more rounded edges and are not as sharp.
Press on your stone to determine its pliability. Metal ores that resemble raw gems bend easily. Real transparent gems do not. Raw stones are hard to manipulate without jeweler's tools.
Examine the core and surrounding layers within your stone. Raw precious stones consist of small crystals, much like sugar crystals, each of which has a unique shape. You may need to use a magnifying glass to see deeper layers.