Budget for your stone shopping before leaving home. Set a spending limit because you'll easily want to buy all the sparkling gems once you start looking at them more closely.
Find your nearest rock shop or gem and mineral dealer. Watch for local events like big rock shows, where many kinds of stones are featured in raw, cut and tumbled states. These come in all sizes, so you'll very likely succeed in finding whatever you are looking for.
Take your time and meander through the different displays and exhibits. Sometimes it will seem almost as if a particular stone "calls" to you. Pick up the various stones, such as agates, quartz, citrine, tourmaline and lapis. Hold clear ones up to the light and look for "imperfections" -- which often give the stones unique beauty. The light will also reveal subtle striations, hidden rainbows and truer color than when you hold in your hand.
Select several and keep them in a basket or container as you shop around. You don't have to decide right away. Feel the weight of the stone. Look for those in your favorite colors. Celestite, for example, is a pale blue. Tiger's eye is striped golds and browns. You'll find blues, greens, reds, purples, magentas, pinks in translucent, solid, opaque, and clear stones.
Look closely for any little nicks or cracks that take away from the quality or overall effect. These don't always show up in the light, but roll them around in your palm and between your fingers to feel for them and also for scratches.
Sense the ones you like best. Spread them out and review them. Select those you absolutely do not want to leave behind. Replace the others to their shelves or sections amongst the display. Take your favorites home, soak them in water, dry them with a soft cloth and set them out to enjoy or use as desired.