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Properties of Tiger Iron

Tiger iron is a unique gemstone characterized by distinctive bands of yellow, red and black. Composed of 2 billion-year-old sedimentary deposits, tiger iron contains rippled bands of tigereye, jasper and hematite. Although it is a combination of gemstones, tiger iron is considered a gemstone of its own and a member of the quartz family. Tiger iron has been unearthed in Australia, Brazil, England, Mexico and in the Lake Superior Region of the United States. In some regions tiger iron is known as mugglestone due to bands of color.
  1. Geological Properties

    • The chemical composition of tiger iron is SiO2 silicon dioxide in combination with the gemstones jasper and hematite. As a member of the quartz family, tiger iron has a hardness of 7 out of 10 on the Mohs Hardness scale. The crystal formation system of tiger iron is trigonal, which is the only crystal system whose point groups have more than one lattice system.

    Metaphysical Properties: Feng Shui

    • In Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese art of placement, it is believed that one can create harmony and balance through placement and colors. The colors found in tiger iron are a combination of black/dark brown (water colors) and yellow (earth colors). Since dark colors are associated with independence and strong self-discipline and yellow with clear communication, tiger iron is used to convey a strong message "You know who you are, you know where you're going."

    Metaphysical Properties: Healing

    • Many consider tiger iron to be a beneficial healing gemstone because it combines the healing properties of tigereye, jasper and hematite stimulating the bodies production of energy. Unlike other gemstones used for healing, tiger iron is thought to be a stable healing stone that rarely needs spiritual cleansing.

    Metaphysical Properties: Chakras

    • In Eastern cultures tiger iron is believed to help strengthen all the body's major energy centers known as chakras. Tiger iron is thought to support and balance the lower three chakras, helping one to better express creativity, passion and power. When combined with other gemstones, tiger iron is also said to stimulate kundalini energy to help spiritual development.

    Metaphysical Properties: Other

    • Tiger iron is believed to have to many metaphysical properties such bringing creativity, strength, vitality, energy, clarity, confidence, protection, balance and willpower. It is also thought to encourage positive change by strengthen one's willpower to take necessary action.

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