Check your local California Yellow Pages for listings of turquoise mines. Contact them to ask hours of operation and whether or not they are open for public digging. Some mines provide their own equipment, but ask to know what tools you might need.
Check online sources for mines in your vicinity. (See Resources.) Deposits are located in San Bernardino, Imperial and Inyo counties. Over a dozen mines exist across the state.
Visit an actual mine during operating hours with the appropriate tools, protective clothing, water and gloves. If a hard hat is required, ask whether or not the mine provides one, or bring your own. Flashlights are a good additional item to bring along, too.
Dig with pickaxes, shovels or the equipment designated by the mines. Certain areas may be off-limits, so respect the rules. After you have broken off good-sized chunks of earth, scour them and break apart clods to find the particular pieces you want to keep. Check with the mining representatives regarding costs per gram. (Sometimes what you find is included in a one-time entry fee.)