Things You'll Need
Determine how you want to collect Arizona agates. You can choose to purchase them or mine them yourself. Arizona has several mines throughout the state where agates are commonly found inside laying on the ground. The agates are also found laying on the surface of the ground in close proximity to these mines. There are over a dozen general types of agates that you can search for in Arizona. These are classified according to their combination of colors and patterns.
Know the traits and characteristics of an agate if you plan on finding them yourself outdoors. You will significantly reduce the amount of time you spend looking for a good agate by learning as much as you can about them beforehand. A good resource to learn more about Arizona agates is the book Rockhounding Arizona by Gerry Blair.
Find where agates are typically found in Arizona. A great spot to find quality agates is in and near one of several agate mines located in the state. Several mines are located around the towns of Bloody Basin, Burro Creek, Brenda and Arlington.
Search for agate on bright and sunny days while wearing comfortable hiking boots. Arizona agates are commonly found either laying down on the ground in close proximity to an agate mine or laying on the ground inside the agate mine. Sunny days help you see the unique reflection of colors from agates above ground. You will have to use your flashlight while in the mine to help see the colors of the agate as you search underground.
Polish the inner portion of the agate after you have found one with a rotary tumbler. This helps remove the dust and dirt the rock collected sitting in the elements and maximize its value if you plan to resell it later.