Corundum Properties
Corundum is a mineral composed of aluminum oxide (Al2O3). These gems have a hardness of 9 on Moh's relative scale of hardness, second only to diamonds among minerals. Corundum has a glassy appearance and can appear in a variety of colors.
Naming Convention
The term sapphire has long referred to corundum. Previously, other colors of corundum were named as an oriental version of the stone they resembled. For instance, green corundum was referred to as oriental emerald. This naming convention was eventually abandoned in favor of the current system.
Synthetic Corundum
The development of synthetic corundum by flame fusion more than a century ago had a devastating effect on ruby and sapphire mining operations as the price of the stones fell. Synthetic corundum is still made for applications in industry and for gems. Ruby and sapphire mines still operate but at a greatly reduced capacity.