Conch Shells
One of the most common types of seashells you may find is a conch shell. These shells will be found in both sandy and grassy areas, as they are herbivores and eat seaweed and seagrass. Conch shells, which are among the larger varieties, are the shells in which you might "hear the ocean" when holding one up to your ear. Conch species include the dog conch, little bear and white canarium.
Whelk Shells
Whelk shells consist of more than 800 species, making them one of the most common types of shells when searching in shallow waters and mud flats. Whelk shells are small and may be brightly colored, like the winding star shell, or a whitish gray, like the North Atlantic welk shell.
Cone Shells
Cone shells have between 400 and 500 species and are often found in shallow waters or sticking out of the sand near the water in beaches around the world. Cone shells are small- to medium-sized, typically between 1 and 5 inches long. If you find a cone shell, it may be spotted, such as a lettered or marbled cone shell. Other cone shells, such as a textile cone shell, have varied patterns similar to marble or granite.
Clam Shells
Clam shells produce either clams or pearls and preside in shallow waters of both fresh and salt water. There is a big difference in sizes of clam shells, ranging from a small 1-inch purple-tipped clam to the giant polished river clam, which may measure nine to 10 inches. Many clam shells found in the sand of your favorite beach may be empty and measure between 1 and 5 inches.
Moon Shells
Moon shells, of which there are 500 species, are rounded shells that have the appearance of a large snail shell. Moon shells range between 1 and 5 inches in size and are found in beaches around the world. The creatures living inside moon shells often grow so big that the shell breaks. Moon shells have a dark spot on the inside, which is why they are often given the name "shark eyes" or "whale eyes."