The most common type of seashell found on a beach is the cockleshell. These shells come in a variety of sizes and are a common home to clams. The shells are round or heart-shaped and have a ribbed texture. They come in many sizes and colors. Depending on the location of the shell, colors may vary from beige and blue, to purple and pink. Their color is affected by the natural elements surrounding the shell such as excessive sun exposure and extreme ocean activity.
Conch Shell
Conch shells are normally the homes to snails and hermit crabs. Their spiral shape makes them very distinguishable. Considered a great find, conch shells can become as large as 12-inches and weigh up to five pounds. In some cultures, conch shells are used for ritual or religious activities. Blowing into them reveals a deep, trumpet-like sound.
The cowry is a round, egg-shaped shell that contains a natural, polished look. They are the protective home to many types of sea creatures, but most commonly snails. They come in many shapes and colors and each contain its own unique patter. These patterns range in color and style.
Sand Dollar
The sand dollar shell is the hard, external shell of a sand dollar. They are flat and round and have a white appearance. Live sand dollars burrow themselves into the sand to protect themselves from predators. While alive, sand dollars are green, blue, or purple but turn white when they dry out after death.