Things You'll Need
Go to your favorite beach or shoreline. Sea glass has been found on shores all over the world, including beaches in Spain, Russia, Greek Islands, Aruba, Puerto Rico, Saint Thomas and United States. Lucky collectors have found sea treasures on the beaches of Hawaii, Cape Cod, Maryland, California, Ohio, Fort Bragg and Lake Erie.
Search for a sandy wet beach area along the shoreline where there are crushed stones, shells and debris. It is in these areas that you are most likely to find sea glass.
Sift through the sand, looking for "color" shining through the crushed shells and stones. The most common colors of sea glass are white, green and brown. Rarer colors include very deep aqua, cobalt blue, sea foam green, lime green, lavender, purple, rose, red and orange. Beach glass will always vary in shape and size.
Examine the glass findings, looking for rounded edges and a "frosted" look to the glass. The frosted look is the result of glass pieces being tossed and tumbled around in the water over time. Glass that is shiny or has sharp edges is not yet "aged" or ready for making jewelry.
Place the treasures in your container and continue looking for more sea glass. Some days you may find large quantities of sea glass, while other days may produce no glass at all.