Become thoroughly knowledgeable in the sports card grading system. Professional Sports Authentication and Beckett's, two of the industry's leaders, have complete listings of acceptable grading standards on their sites to learn from.
Join a program like the ones offered at GMA Sports Authentication. These programs offer you a chance to go into business with the grading company and gain knowledge and a reputation in the industry, while making money doing it. GMA allows you to go into business with them, provided you know grading, and will walk you through the steps. This gives you an opportunity to be backed by a card grading leader, increasing your knowledge and reputation within the industry. Fees are charged for products used by the company, such as card cases and labels.
Read the industry publications. Obtain a copy of a sports card industry journal, such as Beckett's Price Guide. Beckett is the industry standard publication and contains all the news and information regarding the sports card industry. Reading these publications regularly will increase your knowledge and keep you in the loop with new developments and grading standards.
Become active in the sports card industry. Going to card shows and developing relationships with sports card dealers and graders is a good way to learn the ropes, and help you gain a reputation for your grading skills.