Things You'll Need
Write a letter to the player whose signature you want to request. Be friendly in the note, and explain to the player why you admire him, listing some of his accomplishments you have enjoyed. Tell him that you have enclosed a card, and ask that he sign it. Be as personable as possible, because many players can see through form letters if you mass-mail the same note to many players.
Put together a self-addressed stamped envelope (usually called an SASE). This is key because players will not pay to mail your card back to you. Write your address on both the area for the recipient and return address to ensure this envelope will be returned to you, and place a first-class stamp on the envelope. Players can put your card in this envelope, and it will be ready to mail back.
Place the card to be signed, the letter and the SASE into an envelope.
Mail the envelope to Pittsburgh Steelers, 3400 South Water St., Pittsburgh, PA 15203. Add an "ATTN" line with the player's name for easier sorting.