Craigslist serves as a hub for a number of services, including the buying and selling of sports cards and collectibles. By becoming familiar with how the site works and which searches yield the best results, buyers will discover hundreds of threads for baseball card sales in cities across the United States and around the world.
Buying baseball cards on Craigslist is easier, in certain ways, than purchasing collections from auction sites. A buyer doesn't have to bid on an item on Craigslist. He just needs to contact the seller, work out a deal and arrange payment and delivery. No membership is required, and every ad comes with a contact e-mail for quick and easy communication with the seller.
Buyers must be wary of any listing that does not include a picture. While the majority of listings on auction sites come with at least one photo, this is not necessarily the case on Craigslist. Buying a baseball card or collection without having seen the cards first can lead to problems if the cards aren't in good condition.