Purchase a football cards pricing magazine. These magazines, published every month, allow you to update the worth of your football cards several times a year. The cards are listed by both manufacturer and year, making it easy to locate the cards in the guide. Beckett pricing guides are among the most trusted for football cards and other sports memorabilia. You can find other similar guides wherever books and magazines are sold.
Use the Tuff Stuff Magazine online football card price guide (see resources). Click the "Football" tab on the page and the PDF pricing guide will open. In this document, you will find the worth of current football cards. Cards from past decades, all the way back to the 1950's, also will be listed. One drawback to using this method is that not every football card is listed in this guide, so you might not find every card you are attempting to price.
Take your football cards to a card shop or dealer. At the very least, this individual will have an updated pricing guide and can look up your football cards' value for you. An experienced card dealer also will be able to tell you how much your cards are being sold for on the market.
Attend a trading card convention. These conventions will be filled with football card dealers as well as certified authenticators who will grade your football cards (rate their condition) and then price them for a small fee. You also will have the opportunity to sell your football cards at a convention. To find the nearest convention, contact a card shop or dealer in your area.
Use eBay to price your football cards. When you search for your football cards on the auction website, you will see how much these cards are being purchased for on a daily basis. This up-to-the-minute information will be incredibly useful if you are looking to sell those cards in the near future.